High Performance Leadership Program - South East QLD

Facilitators: Aaron Rogers, Matthew Vandermeer, Simon Fletcher

Commencing 14th & 15th March 2024

The Leading Teams Model

At Leading Teams we focus on dynamics, that is, the way people interact and the behaviours we model, reward and challenge.  We believe a high performing team has the following four fundamentals:

  1. 1.A clear, understood and accepted common purpose.
  2. 2.A behavioural framework that has been developed by and agreed to by the team.
  3. 3.Strong professional relationships built on trust and respect.
  4. 4.A process for the ongoing review of our team and ourselves against the behavioural framework.

'The High Performance Leadership Program has been the best program I have ever done. I have grown both personally and professionally. Best of all, I have made incredible cultural changes across my organisation, which has lifted the performance of our entire team. As a charity, our reach and impact has grown as a direct result of this program. What’s the secret sauce? A perfect blend of quality content, expert facilitation, hands-on learning and access to a group of exceptional humans who develop together.'

Thea Stinear

General Manager, Cool Australia

High Performance Leadership Program

High Performance Leadership Program

Take a look inside one of our leadership programs and what you can expect as a participant


High Performance Leadership Program

South East Queensland



6 x full days workshops


- DiSC Profiling

- Session materials and notes

- Ongoing support for participants during the program

- Catering for each day

Total Excluding Tax$4,500.00




Please contact us for more information

Email | aaron.rogers@leadingteams.net.au
Phone | 0430 581 161

Email | matthew.vandermeer@leadingteams.net.au
Phone | 0412 973 528

Email | simon.fletcher@leadingteams.net.au
Phone | 0418 288 765